Policy, Research & Politics

La musique classique peut-elle être un outil politique ?

Quelle est la portée politique de la musique classique ? Hélène Daccord musicienne et chercheuse en géopolitique nous raconte comment le 4eme art est aussi un outil régalien.

France Culture

Industria musical demanda a Twitter por derechos de autor

La demanda federal contra la red social de Elon Musk busca $250 millones de dólares por daños y perjuicios.

Rolling Stones

The Musical Doughnut - a sustainable system for musical life

For many, the concept of sustainability automatically sparks conversations around climate change and the ecological transition. However, the EFM 2023 highlighted that the concepts of sustainability are broad, and the world of music is a big, diverse place.

European Music Council

‘Almost all famous artists have left or will leave [Russia], and those who remain will be blacklisted and banned’

Artemy Troitsky is a famous Russian journalist, music critic, writer and concert promoter. Since 2014 he has lived in Estonia, where he is a lecturer, and a radio host: he has a weekly program and podcast about music on Radio Liberty.

Global Voices

Backlash against K-pop star Hanni shows Vietnam still struggles with the legacy of the war

The Vietnamese-Australian singer Hanni of the K-pop group NewJeans recently came under fire and faced online harassment for her family’s supposed links to the former Republic of Vietnam (South Vietnam).

The Conversation

Live classical music is under threat as never before

Rattle’s predictions are truly alarming since they come from someone at the heart of the music business. If he is right, it means that, perhaps for the first time, the bureaucrats in charge of public funding have succumbed to this dismissive and unfair view.

The Herald

« La liberté d’expression est en danger et les programmations de spectacles se font sous haute tension »

Plus de soixante-dix signataires - avocats, juristes, artistes, élus, prêtres, responsables associatifs et culturels - s’insurgent, dans une tribune au « Monde » et à « Télérama », contre la multiplication des atteintes à la liberté d’expression à l’instigation de groupuscules radicalisés fondamentalistes, et en appellent à la protection de l’Etat.

Le Monde

Nuevo frente en la industria discográfica: Spotify elimina miles de canciones generadas por IA

La industria discográfica se ha puesto en pie contra la música generada por IA y su posible vulneración de la propiedad intelectual.

Business Insider

Taliban close women-run station for playing music

A women-run radio station in Afghanistan’s northeast has been shut down for playing music during the holy month of Ramadan, a Taliban official said Saturday.

Pakistan Observer

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