Asian Music Rostrum (ASMR)

Asian Music Rostrum (ASMR)

The purpose of the ASMR is to make known authentic and valuable example of traditional, classical and modern music representing the different families and cultures of Asia and Oceania through the intermediary of radio organisations.

Depending on the regional and local situation, the ASMR is organized by:

  • the National Music Committee and National Broadcasting Organisation of the host country
  • the Asian Regional Secretariat of IMC
  • Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union (ABU)
  • IMC secretariat


It also benefits from the cooperation of the International Council for Traditional Music and the International Institute for Comparative Music Studies and Documentation (Berlin).

The items are presented in one or more of the following categories:

  1. traditional music
  2. traditional folk music
  3. modernized traditional music
  4. art music which makes use of traditional forms or techniques


A selection committee, composed of delegates from broadcasting organisations, listens to musical items in the four above-mentioned categories and selects the most outstanding works presented by participating broadcasters to be offered to members of the Asian Broadcasting Union and of the European Broadcasting Union.

The following Rostra were held over the years:

1. 1969 May 27 - 29 Paris
2. 1971 April 28 - 30 Paris
3. 1973 October 17 - 21 Alma-Ata, USSR
4. 1976 August 22 - 26 Manila, Philippines
5. 1979 December 1 - 5 Baghdad, Iraq
6. 1983 October 9 - 12 Pyongyang, PDR of Korea
7. 1985 September 8 - 9 Ulan Bator, Mongolia
8. 1990 December 7 - 10 Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
9. 1993 March 19-20 Bombay, India


The last Asian Music Rostrum in 1993 was organized jointly by the IMC, its Asian Regional Secretariat (Arvind Parikh) and All India Radio. The session was chaired by Prof. Trân Van Khê, eminent Vietnamese performer and musicologist, Member of Honour of IMC.

The Rostrum was followed by a Symposium on the presentation of music on radio in Asia, inaugurated by the Director General of All India Radio, Shashikant Kapoor, with keynote addresses by Trân Van Khê (Vietnam), Richard Letts (Australia) and P.V. Krishnamoorty (India).

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