Policy, Research & Politics

Après les arts et le cinéma, la musique, nouvelle vitrine politique de l'Arabie saoudite en France

En soutenant financièrement cette année le festival Mama, le plus grand rassemblement de la filière musicale en France, l'Arabie saoudite veut faire connaître ses DJ électro et attirer les stars françaises.

Le Figaro

¿Estamos ya en la era del hit hecho por inteligencia artificial? La industria musical dispara las alarmas

Entre la fascinación, el temor y el vértigo ante un futuro cada vez más incierto. Así vive la industria musical el auge de la inteligencia artificial, que ya es capaz de replicar la modulación y entonación vocal de cualquier artista.


Report calls out “pitifully low” numbers of women and non-binary people in technical roles in music industry

A major new report has called for an increase in the number of women in production and engineering roles in the music industry.


Egyptian poet Galal El-Behairy—jailed for five years for writing a song

Marking five years of unlawful imprisonment for writing the lyrics of the song “Balaha,” Egyptian poet Galal El-Behairy has started a hunger strike in Badr Prison to protest inhumane conditions.


Music to eco-conscious ears

Plastic cutlery, abandoned tents, artists flown in to perform ... the traditional music festival has not been a bastion of eco-friendliness. Now several UK and European events are introducing measures to reduce their impact, using locally sourced food, low-emission transport and renewable energy.

The Guardian

Spotify: Bollywood songs removed from music app

Spotify says it's not been able to reach an agreement with the owners of the tracks after the old one expired.


Gangs, accordéon et politique

Au Lesotho — pays le plus meurtrier du continent africain —, musique et criminalité vont de pair. Aux affrontements entre gangs s’ajoutent les connivences entre musiciens et élites dirigeantes. Mais une nouvelle génération entend prendre ses distances avec les vendettas.

Le Monde Diplomatique

Coalición en EEUU busca regular la influencia de la inteligencia artificial en la industria musical

El acelerado ascenso de las tecnologías de inteligencia artificial, ha estado generando muchas preguntas en el mundo del arte y el entretenmiento, sobre los derechos de los creadores y no es ilógico afirmar que la industria de la música enfrenta estos retos con precaución.

Industria Musical

'Dance like there is no tomorrow'

Inside Ukraine's underground wartime music scene.

Al Jazeera

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