Music the artform and artists

Curious Listening

At the turn of the century, many artists followed postmodernism’s ironic and self-aware lead but adapted it to the internet age. If anyone could become an expert on culture, philosophy, or theory with relative ease, then the goal of much art of that time was to prove not a depth of knowledge but a refinement of taste. Enter the hipster.


Rap Artists Haven’t Topped the Charts This Year. Does It Really Matter?

On Tuesday, Billboard published a piece speculating on why hip-hop hasn’t had a Number One album or single within the first half of 2023. The report set off a flurry of chatter from industry observers and rap fans drawing their own conclusions as to what the answer might be. Is the dearth of rap hits this year a matter of market share, artist deaths, incarceration, or stagnant charts?

Rolling Stones

La musique Merksawi, le fil rouge de la Libye

Les arts et musiques populaires libyennes divergent d’une région á une autre mais si on peut citer un fil rouge qui traverse le pays, c’est sans conteste l’art populaire du Merksawi.

Music in Africa

Las mujeres dan un nuevo impulso a la música 'gnawa' en Marruecos

Asma, Hind y Yusra son algunas de las jóvenes que están dando un nuevo impulso a la música 'gnawa' en Marruecos, un arte centenario catalogado como patrimonio inmaterial de la UNESCO y tradicionalmente reservado a los hombres.


‘It’s a risk to put out something completely new’

The charts are stuffed with dance-pop songs that brazenly lift from 90s hits. Is this a clever blend of nostalgia and freshness – or a sign the industry has run out of ideas?

The Guardian

Rita Lee, ‘Queen of Brazilian Rock’

Known for her fusion of psicodelia with pop, MPB, bossa and new wave, the legendary Latin Grammy Award-winning artist — who is one of Brazil’s most successful singer-songwriters — got her start with the group Os Mutantes before launching a fruitful solo career.


The story of downfall of classical music in Pakistan

“In our music, the masters of music have defined the time of ragas, but there has been no research on it as to why Bhairav is sung in the morning, while Sarang is sung at noon, Multani and Aiman in the evening and Malkauns and Darbari at night.”


Afrique du Nord: 10 chanteuses d'expression amazighe à suivre

Les musiciennes nord-africaines de la lingua sphère amazigh ont souvent évolué dans des registres traditionnels. Ces détentrices perpétuent ainsi, une tradition vielle de plusieurs millénaires, celle de transmettre, enseigner et entretenir la mémoire collective.

Music in Africa

Martha Argerich: una vida dedicada a la música

Dueña de un talento superlativo, hoy se cumplen 82 años del nacimiento de la gran pianista argentina Martha Argerich, que inició su camino musical a los cinco años, con las primeras clases de piano, junto al maestro Vincenzo Scaramuzza, quien quedó asombrado por la destreza que la pequeña ya demostraba frente a las teclas.

Ministerio de Cultura

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