The Pointy End

El baile de nuestros genes al ritmo de la música

¿Escuchar una melodía puede alterar nuestra genética? Un equipo de investigación organizó con la Real Filharmonía de Galicia un multitudinario concierto, con pruebas de sangre y saliva para acceder.


How Many New Songs Are Released Each Day?

Songs are like tribbles. One is cute, and you love it. Even five or ten are fine. But when you encounter a thousand of them, you run away as fast as you can.

The Honest Broker

Man who made £1.2m from fake vinyl records caught out by Clash fan

A businessman who made more than £1m selling fake vinyl records was caught after a fan of punk band the Clash complained that the sound quality of an LP he had bought was not as sharp as it should have been.

The Guardian

Can music and dance therapy slow progression of Parkinson’s?

There is no cure for Parkinson’s Disease (PD) but global studies have shown that dancing and listening to music can reduce the progression of the disease.

The Indian Express

Déconstruire le mythe de l’artiste tourmentée

En 2022, le collectif Cura, qui œuvre pour la santé mentale des artistes et professionnel·les de la musique, publie une enquête aux résultats alarmants : sur les 518 personnes interrogées, 40% se sentent déprimé·es au moins 1 fois par mois et 38% des artistes se disent extrêmement anxieu·x·ses (entre 7 et 9 sur une échelle de 9).

Manifesto XXI

El día que la industria musical tuvo un arrebato solidario simultáneo

Reino Unido creó el megagrupo Band Aid, a lo que Estados Unidos contestó con USA for Africa, Iberoamérica respondió con Proyecto Hermanos y los heavies, que no quisieron quedarse atrás, aportaron Hear N’Aid y Swedish Metal Aid.

El Diario

DNA From Beethoven’s Hair Reveals Clues About His Death

The composer was predisposed to liver disease and had hepatitis B at the end of his life, a new study finds.

Smithsonian Magazine

The Poignant Music of Melting Ice: Have a Listen

Scientists and musicians are recording the sounds of unfreezing water to document and predict the effects of climate change. Can their work help slow it, too?

The New York Times

4 best music for homework that’ll dramatically improve your productivity

Choosing the right music for homework can help you focus better and learn faster.

Study International

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