Music education

Just A Few Weeks Of Music Lessons Can Improve Audiovisual Processing

A new research study suggests that only a few weeks of music lessons can result in improvements to the way we process audiovisual information.

Ludwing Van

Qualities You Should Look At When Choosing A Music Trainer

Whatever your reasons are, finding the perfect music teacher or trainer may not be as easy as it may sound.


What the Suzuki Method Really Taught

Dissatisfied with Japanese music instruction, which seemed unable to teach the kind of swooning tone he loved in Elman and his contemporaries, Suzuki persuaded his father to send him off to Berlin, where he spent most of the nineteen-twenties.

The New Yorker

Pourquoi il ne faut pas démarrer la pratique d’un instrument trop tôt

La précocité de l'apprentissage d'un instrument donne, certes, plus de chances statistiques de créer des virtuoses, mais n'est en rien la garantie d'une créativité et d'une carrière hors du commun.

Le Point

Arte y creatividad para gestionar las emociones de los niños y su relación con el mundo

La imaginación creativa es un puente para llegar al pensamiento crítico y reflexivo que posibilita que cada menor encuentre su voz y entienda sus emociones.

El País

Changing lives through music: legendary tenor's dream for Peru

An extraordinary social project in Peru is helping to change the lives of disadvantaged children through the power of music education. The project is the initiative of the internationally acclaimed Peruvian tenor, Juan Diego Flórez.


Should musical education be available to every child?

Music education must be available to every child regardless of geography and class,that is the view of Grace Tallon, Executive Director of Newpark Academy of Music in Dublin.

News Talk

Saudi Arabia to introduce music in schools

Music will be a subject taught as part of curricula in Saudi Arabia in two years’ time starting from the kindergarten level, a government official has said.

Gulf News

Éducation musicale : « Les artistes devraient toujours imaginer qu’ils s’adressent à un jeune public »

Pianiste et chef d’orchestre, Alphonse Cemin connaît intimement le monde de l’opéra. Il détaille quelques éléments nécessaires pour capter l’attention et l’émotion du jeune public dans sa découverte du chant lyrique.

La Croix

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