2nd WFM Registration
Beijing, China, October 11-14, 2007
Registration for the 2nd World Forum on Music is now open!
Registration form for download:
Please kindly complete and return this registration form before August 31, 2007
to the Chinese Musicians' Association: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Fax: +86-10-64607198
Pdf - format: Word - format
Which registration fee applies to my case? - Venue - Hotel Information
International Music Council
Silja Fischer
1 rue Miollis, 75732 PARIS cedex 15, France
Tel. +33 1 45 68 48 50
Fax +33 1 43 06 87 98
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
All events will take place at the Convention centre of the Xinhai Jinjiang Hotel in Beijing, except for Saturday October 13 when we will be hosted by the China Conservatory of Music. Ground transportation will be provided.
The Xinhai Jinjiang Hotel is a new hotel built in 2005 which offers 5-star comfort as well as a top-level equipped convention centre which should cater to all our needs.
The Hotel is located in the centre of Beijing, near the main shopping street.
61 Jinbao Street
Dongcheng District
BEIJING 100 005
For more information, please consult the hotel's website:
Our Chinese hosts have negotiated with the Xinhai Jinjiang Hotel a preferential rate of 110 € (including breakfast) for participants in the World Forum on Music and delegates of the General Assembly. The rate is the same for single or double use.
Alternative accommodation in a 3-star hotel (50 EUR per night) and 4-star hotel (80 EUR), both situated in walking distance (maximum 20 minutes away from the Jinjang Hotel) is also being suggested.
To view a description of the hotels, please click here
IMC Members - Non-Members - Students
The organisers are pleased to offer preferential rates for IMC members, including their affiliates.
The registration fee for members includes the following:
Please note that there is no fee for the access to General Assembly sessions.
Three levels will be applied:
A - 290 €
B - 240 €
C - 190 €
1. For national committees, the level will be based on the country's belonging to one of the three Human Development Index (HDI) groups (high/middle/low).
2. For organisations, the level will be based on the organisation's belonging to one of the three IMC membership fee groups (900/600/350 USD) and is thus depending on the organisation's budget.
3. For individual members, the level would be based on the person's resident country belonging to one of the three HDI groups.
Human Development Index Groups - download here
The registration fee for non-members includes the following:
Three levels will be applied:
A - 300 €
B - 250 €
C - 150 €
The level will be based on the HDI group to which the participant's resident country belongs.
Students will benefit from a reduced registration fee which includes the following:
Three levels will be applied:
A - 100 €
B - 80 €
C - 50 €
The level will be based on the HDI group to which the student's resident country belongs.